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The Sun

by Junhong Kwa in Year 5. The sun gives heat, light and food for the plants. Sometimes the sun is out but sometimes it is not. When it is out it could be hot, and it could be cool. The sun is very important for the Earth by providing heat, and without it will be…

South Northumberland Cricket Camp

by Toby in Year 6. In the Easter Holidays, I went to South Northumberland Cricket Club’s cricket camp. I am at the age where I play hardball cricket which is what the professional players play with. For hardball cricket, you have to put on a box, leg pads, helmet and gloves and of course your…

Why I love… Toronto!

by Harrison L in Year 6. Toronto Toronto is where my family went on my Easter Holidays, Toronto is a place in Canada, which is near the US border. I am going to tell you some facts about the spectacular Toronto. Did you know that there is a tower called the CN tower, which stands…

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